Tuesday 7 June 2016

Buhari and Niger Delta freedom fighters: The fox and the rooster

Buhari and Niger Delta freedom fighters: The fox and the rooster
There is this Igbo folklore, which described why the fox eats the cockerel. The folklore goes this way. From the beginning of the world, the fox longed to make the cockerel its delicacy. But each time he made attempt to attack the cockerel, the red hot fire on the cockerel's head (red comb)  deters him.

The cockerel having noticed that the fox avoided it, one day asked "Mr Fox, why are you always avoiding me?"

"Because of the fire on your head, I don't want to get burned," Mr Fox responded.

"Haha ha, don't be silly!" Mr Cockerel retorted. "It is not fire. It's just my comb and it wouldn't burn you."

Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force et al: Don't be deceived by Buhari's negotiation team! It is an ESPIONAGE team, coming to spy on your armements

"Are you sure? Can I touch it?" Mr Fox Fox curiously asked.

"Of course! Come and touch it!!"

In trepidation, the fox approached and touched the comb. To his amazement, it was not really a fire and he was not burned.

The next he did surprised the cockerel. It pounced on it and devoured it. Till date the cockerel runs whenever it sees Mr Fox.

'General' Muhammadu Buhari, the fox is about touching the fire/comb of the Niger Delta freedom fighters.

Let him touch it and watch as they decimate you.

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